The Important Truths About Namecheap Shared Hosting | Buy or Don’t Buy NAMECHEAP Hosting

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In this video, We will show you, The Important Truths About Namecheap Shared Hosting | Buy or Don’t Buy NAMECHEAP Hosting. Enjoy
Namecheap is a domain name registrar providing domain name registration and web hosting based in Phoenix, Arizona, US. Namecheap is a budget hosting provider with 11 million registered users and 10 million domains.
In this video, youโ€™ll find all the information about this cheap hosting provider and the services it offers. Iโ€™m sharing my thoughts on Namecheap with you. Iโ€™ll talk about plans and prices, performance, security, and many other features so that you know what to expect

The good and the bad about Namecheap shared hosting

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Are you searching around for a shared Hosting plan and you’re probably looking At namecheap as one of your options well In this case i’m going to be talking About what i like and dislike about Namecheap share hosting now in my case i Actually use namecheap for some of my Domains so i know what i’m talking about And in this video i’m going to be Talking about what i like and dislike About namecheap shared hosting and what Type of limitations you are going to hit On namecheap so let’s get over to my Desktop and show you what the plans are And what is the good about it and the Bad about it so let’s go jump over to my Desktop right now What’s up everyone my name is george and This is sas master if you are not Subscribed do consider subscribing now If you guys want to head over there and Check out these deals i will be leaving A link in the description now these are The shared hosting plans that they have As of this video so there’s three plans Which is the stellar stellar plus and The seller business you can buy these Through monthly yearly and two years now Something funny that you’re going to see Here is that when you select a year it’s Actually cheaper than selecting two Years and you’re going to be saying why Am i paying more if it’s two years Shouldn’t i be getting a better price

Because it’s a longer time well this is The good thing and about about about it If you pay for two years you’re gonna Pay this amount for the two years so Monthly two years if you select one year Yes you’re gonna pay two dollars and Eighteen cents a month but for the next Year you are gonna pay the full price Five dollars and 88 cents now these Prices that you are looking at since I’ve selected one year is what you are Going to pay by month so next year it’s Going to renew at this new price now You’re going to see the first Limitations that you’re going to see Here which is the stellar version one Dollar and 38 cents you get a domain Name so you get a or one of These domains fun host online site etc You get one free year of this not two Years not three just one and you get Access to three websites so you can add Three websites on stellar okay and you Get five gigabytes of ssd drive now 20 Gigabytes might not sound like a lot but For three sites and if these are static Sites what does that mean that you are Building a landing page you’ll be you’re Building a website for a company and It’s not a store so there’s not there’s Not a lot of things going on so 20 Gigabytes is more than enough for three Sites and you get free cdn with this cdn Is content delivery network which means

That um it saves bandwidth and it saves The cpu load on your hosting plan Because it’s delivering the data through The different points in the global Network okay The second one is stellar plus plus you Get again the domain name unlimited Websites now check this out this is Something that’s probably gonna capture All of us because you’re gonna say Unlimited websites well that’s awesome So practically everyone is going to go For this one and it’s a good plan but There is a limitation on websites you Can add as many websites as you want i Mean cool that’s unlimited but there is A lock to this there is a limitation and This is one of the things i dislike There’s a file count limit what does That mean when i install WordPress or a php site or etc That’s gonna load files into it let’s Just say 5000 files 10 000 or if it’s a Really huge site it could be a hundred Thousand files 150 000. so let’s just Say that you have Three sites that are a hundred thousand Files each which is pretty rare but it Does happen well these sites are gonna Hit that limitation so you’re gonna be Able to only add three sites or if they Are only i don’t know ten thousand Um files well you can add thirty sites Because they have a 300 000 limitation

File count on this which is the i o Nodes okay and i’m going to show you That on my dashboard in a bit and i’ll Show you that right now this is my Cpanel from one of my shared hosting Plans that i’ve bought and there’s a File file usage count so like i Mentioned before this is a stellar plus And there’s a limitation to 300 000 Files On this plan i have uh 12 domains Roughly So 12 websites on this were press sites Which are just normal sites nothing Fancy it’s not like a i don’t know a Store or anything like that it’s just Landing page sites business sites normal Sites and that’s the file count that i Have so in this case i’ve managed to Load 12 sites and i’m kind of on that Limit so 75 Just something that you have to consider When getting these plans again you get Also free cdn and you get auto backup Which is really nice to have on this now There’s not a lot of difference to jump From stellar to stellar plus so i do Recommend the starter plus as the good Option for shared hosting now things That you are going to get in shared Hosting that you won’t get on a bps Because i do have vps also i have vps on Vulture ssd nodes and trust me i have a Lot of sites

But on shared hosting one of the Benefits that you have is that you get Also emails with this so for example if I add a domain Like i don’t know if it Was on my shared hosting i can also add Emails in there which is pretty cool It’s already here i’m paying for the Shared hosting only and i also get Access to emails so i can use them and i Can create my my email boxes and all That so it’s pretty cool On a different side if i’m not using Shared hosting and i’m using a bps well I have my website on a bps but i have to Pay for email service on another system So i’m paying for two things on bps so That’s a good thing about shared hosting That we have that in one system okay There’s unmeter bandwidth oh let me jump Into the stellar business plan now Sterile stellar business plan is a Little bit better it’s a there’s some Limitations and there’s better limits With this the file count for the seller Business is six hundred thousand not Three hundred thousands like the stellar Plus so i have these two i’m actually Using these two for some of the sites That i have but for my personal sites Where i need the top speed and all that I actually use abps i will leave a link In the description of the bps that i Recommend in case you jump into that

Phase okay so standalone business gives You better limits with the file count But there’s a 50 gigabyte ssd limitation So it’s not a metered ssd as it is on Stellar plus But there’s you unlimited websites again But you have that limitation for the File count now they use a faster system With this you get better limits with the Cpu and the ram usage on the stellar Business but they limit you on the 50 Gigabytes ssd so if you’re running sites That are big in file count and no on File size then seller is a good choice For you if it’s a business side you need More speed you need more limitations Stellar business would be the way to go On shared hosting and again you get free Cdn and auto backups and cloud storage So if something goes wrong on the Stellar business it’s also enabled on They have a backup on the cloud storage So it’s never down that’s a really cool Thing so it’s 100 uptime because if Something fails on the hosting system It’s going to switch it over to another System they have the cloud storage and It’s going to be fine it’s your site’s Not gonna be down so the highest Performance true stability data Protection etc so it jumps with Different limitations okay these are the Limitations if you want to check them With com like what you get with this and

There’s a file account that i was Talking about the inode limit Three hundred thousand three hundred Thousand and six hundred thousand so That is the give or take you get Unlimited sites but you have the file Count that limits you so it’s like That’s where they limit things and other Shared hosting plans that you find on Other companies they’ll find a way to Limit you they’ll say you know what i’ll Give you i don’t know 50 sites but i’ll Limit you somewhere else in the file Count or i’ll limit you on the sites That you can load you can only load Three but you have unlimited file count Or you get x good ram and good cpu but I’ll limit you over here so they’ll kind Of work that out because shared hosting Gives you a good price Another downside about shared hosting is That you are sharing the hosting with Someone else so what does that mean People are using the same ip address as You are so if someone is spamming emails With the same ip that you are using well That’s going to affect your ip Reputation so that’s another downside About that plus if someone abuses the System it’s gonna kind of lower your Resources for the loading time on your Site so if someone abuses in that shared Hosting system there’s gonna be some Downgrade of the speed and you’re going

To notice the different speeds on your Website from time to time because that’s Going to depend on how other users are Going to use the shared hosting i know You might not know but shared hosting Does limit how you use the shared Hosting so they avoid overload but if a Lot of people are actually using the Same shared hosting that you are on well It’s gonna limit your speed on that okay So things that you have to consider so Let me show you really quickly what You’re gonna get with shared hosting you Are gonna get cpanel access Which is a really great system and you Get your ip address like i mentioned Before and this ip address is shared With whoever is in this shared hosting i Have no idea how many people share the Same ip but it is shared so i mean it Could be 10 people it could be 100 it Could be 200 people etc using that ip You can pay for index for another ip Address to be your own a unique ip and i Think it’s about a dollar or two dollars A month to have your own ip address Which is a good idea if you want good Reputation and you want better stability And those good kind of things okay With bps hosting you do get your own ip All the time it’s not shared Okay so like i mentioned before there’s A file usage and in this case it’s Almost hitting the 300 000 count on this

Physical memory there’s two gigabytes For this the entry process the cpu use Usage the number of processes disk usage Etc on cpanel it’s a really easy to use Interface you can install wordpress Super easily just head on over to Here it is wordpress manage by Softaculous and you install it on your Domain if you’ve purchased the domain on Namecheap or connected it to it it’s Super easy it’s gonna be on your cpanel Just add wordpress to it and you’re Gonna view all your wordpress sites from Here other things that you can do is Create your email accounts from here so It’s super easy because it’s included That’s one of the beauties i like about Shared hosting so why do i use shared Hosting if i also use vps bps yes it’s Way better more complex that’s so much Easy i have to maintain it i have to Take care of it on shared hosting you Get like kind of a little bit of support And kind of those things but why do i Still use shared hosting because i do Sell some websites to clients that don’t Need a lot of resources they don’t need Speed and they do want email and I don’t know but they don’t want to pay A lot so if they don’t want to pay a lot I put them here on shared hosting so They get email accounts they get a Landing page website and they have a Website that they can show off to their

Clients something simple you know what You want that i’ll give you this and That’s why i’m using shared hosting If i wanted to build a store or Something more complex i go use bps so Just kind of things that you should give Or take you can get away with some Complex eyes on shared hosting but you Will get hitting those limitations from A in a certain time but if you hit those Limitations at a certain time we’ll jump Into something better like a bps okay Namecheap also does sell bps but i Haven’t tried it to give you my Recommendation for it so you can also Have the auto backup you have code guard There is a lot of things that you can do Here there’s a file manager which is Super easy to use and all of that comes In with cpanel with the shared hosting The disk usage of what you’re using so For example in this case i can view the I o nodes which is the file count Remember where we talked we were talking About file usage it’s in the i o nodes Usage so i can view it here to see if There’s a site that just has too much Files and i would investigate what’s Happening now something that you should Consider is that when you install WordPress i think it’s about 3 000 Um files which is i don’t know it’s not A lot you can add a lot of you can add a Lot of sites with this but

If that wordpress site has installed a Cache plug-in those cache plugins load a Bunch of files small tiny files that i Mean it’s like one kilobyte 15 kilobits Like it’s super small But they’re then the the bad part about This is that they are counting the file Usage not the file size so cache plugins Load a bunch of files so be aware that If you are in shared hosting and you Have a site that just blows up with a Bunch of files it’s because you because You are using a cash um plugin so you Have to clean the cash or remove cash When using shared hosting so things that You would have to consider You can add the domains here if you have Other domains so like i mentioned before If in this case it’s a stellar plus so i Have unlimited access to domains so i Can add more domains from here from Namecheap from somewhere else from Cloudflare Et cetera just add them through here ssh Access iplocker some mod security leech Protection etc you get all of that i Won’t go in into that with that in that But you get the idea that what you are Getting is a great price because it’s Super cheap compared to bps and you get The specs like the email system you get That nice panel with cpanel which would Cost you additional if you were using Bps so you get good price you get email

Accounts included Easy to use panel with cpanel and that’s A good part about it if you need prize And you need something easy to use this Is the way to go and support is good it Opens up a chat and someone’s always Available i mean the most time it’s Taken for someone to jump in is 10 Minutes most of the times it’s three Minutes two minutes okay so those are The good things that you can get with Namecheap on shared hosting the Limitations that i’ve mentioned before Is the file count which is really Important The file count and speed if you’re Looking for top speeds Again bps would be the way to go and cdn On a bps in this case you get free cdn Which is cool but you can also use Additional cdns if you like not to use The namecheap cdn And you can also deploy this on the us Uk and europe prices change a bit But you have those options available so Why would you use uk if your clients or Most of your viewers are from Near uk so for example europe well i Would choose uk And there’s eu for this also but if most Of your clients in the u.s use that but Again you have cdn for those issues if You want to load things faster But there you go those are the shared

Hosting plans on name cheap like i Mentioned before i am using stellar plus And i’m using stellar business for Certain use cases so yes i would i would Recommend it if you are looking for a Good price if you’re looking for speed And no file count limits Jump into bps and i would recommend for Example vulture or digitalocean and i’ll Leave the links in the description But there you go that is the video for Shared hosting plans on nanjing i thank You all for watching and i’ll see you on My next videos

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