The Evolution of Learn WordPress

As an avid WordPress enthusiast, I have witnessed firsthand the remarkable evolution of the platform. Join me as I delve into the intricate journey of Learn WordPress and uncover its impressive growth and development. In this blog post, I will explore how this invaluable resource has revolutionized the way we learn and master the art of WordPress. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and allow me to guide you through the fascinating evolution of Learn WordPress.

The Evolution of Learn WordPress


I have been a part of the WordPress community for several years now, and one aspect that has greatly evolved during this time is the Learn WordPress platform. When I first started working with WordPress in 2017, I had no idea how much this platform would grow and develop. In this article, I will share my journey with WordPress and how Learn WordPress has transformed over the years.

My First WordPress Experience

My first WordPress experience dates back to 2017 when I was working at a Japanese digital agency. It was here that I was introduced to the power and versatility of WordPress. I found myself captivated by its user-friendly interface and the endless possibilities it offered for website development.

Joining the Automatic Team

After my initial encounter with WordPress, I decided to dive deeper into this platform. That’s when I joined the Automatic team, and my WordPress journey truly began. Being a part of the Automatic team allowed me to work closely with the developers and contributors who were constantly improving WordPress.

WordCamps – An Opportunity to Learn and Connect

In 2017, I attended my first WordCamp, which was an eye-opening experience for me. WordCamps are community-organized events where WordPress enthusiasts come together to learn, share ideas, and connect. It was at this event that I realized how vast the WordPress community is and how much I could learn from others.

Recently, I had the privilege of being part of the organizing team for a WordCamp in Asia. This was an incredible opportunity for me to give back to the community, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and contribute to the growth of WordPress.

Getting Involved with the Training Team

One aspect of the WordPress community that has always stood out to me is the emphasis on education and knowledge sharing. I became involved with the Training team for contributors, where my role is to help create and improve educational resources for WordPress users.

The Training team focuses on Learn WordPress, a platform dedicated to providing comprehensive tutorials, workshops, and courses for anyone who wants to learn more about WordPress. As a member of the Training team, I have had the opportunity to work on creating engaging and informative content.

Pathways to Contributing to the Training Team

If you’re interested in joining the Training team, there are five pathways available:

  1. Content Creator: As a content creator, you can contribute by creating educational content, such as tutorials, videos, and workshops.

  2. Editor: Editors play a crucial role in reviewing and improving the content created by the team. They ensure that the materials are accurate, well-structured, and user-friendly.

  3. Content Translator: If you are skilled in multiple languages, you can contribute by translating the Learn WordPress content into different languages, making it accessible to a wider audience.

  4. Subject Matter Expert: Subject matter experts provide their expertise and knowledge in specific areas of WordPress. They help ensure that the educational content is accurate and up to date.

  5. Admin: The admin role is essential in keeping the Training team running smoothly. Admins manage the platform, coordinate team activities, and provide guidance to other contributors.

Joining the Training Team

If you’re interested in getting involved with the Training team and contributing to Learn WordPress, I recommend checking out the Training team’s getting started guide and watching their informative videos. These resources will provide you with all the information you need to join the Training team and begin contributing to the platform.


Learn WordPress has evolved significantly over the years, offering a wealth of educational resources for anyone who wants to learn more about WordPress. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, there is something for everyone on this platform. As a member of the WordPress community, I feel grateful to be part of the Training team and contribute to the growth and development of Learn WordPress.

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. How can I contribute to the Training team?
  2. What are the different pathways available for contributing to the Training team?
  3. Can I translate the Learn WordPress content into multiple languages?
  4. What is the role of an admin in the Training team?
  5. Where can I find resources to get started with joining the Training team?

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