What Are iNodes in Namecheap Shared Web Hosting?

What Are iNodes in Namecheap Shared Web Hosting?

Full Namecheap help file:

An inode is short for index node. In Unix-based file systems, an inode is considered to be a data structure that represents a single file system object. The inode space is used to ’track’ the files stored on the hard disk. The inode entries store metadata about each file, directory or object, but only points to these structures rather than storing the data. Each entry is 128 bytes in size. In simple words, each inode usually equals one file, folder, email or any other unix object in a file system.

In simpler terms, an inode on a web hosting platform, such as Namecheap, refers to each file on your server. This includes, but not limited to, WordPress files, posts, images, videos, themes, plugins, emails, etc.

This is why it is very important that you clean your WordPress clean and tidy, especially if you have a large number of sites on one hosting account.

If you’re finding that you are about to reach your inode limit, follow these steps to free some up:

1. Remove any WordPress installations that you are no longer using (domains that may have expired that you haven’t deleted from your acount).

2. Uninstall any unused WordPress plugins from your site. Not only will this free up inodes, but will allow your site to run more efficiently.

3. Uninstall any unused WordPress themes. Be sure to keep the default theme of the current year.

4. Clean out your email inboxes for each domain. Remember, each email stored on your web server counts towards your inodes usage as well.

5. Uninstall any media files that you are not using (images/videos).

6. Try to post to your WordPress sites less often if possible.

By taking action using the above steps, you are sure to free up valuable inode space on your web server.

Thank you for watching my video on what are inodes in Namecheap Shared Web Hosting. Be sure to like and subscribe below if you found this video helpful.




We’re going to be talking about inodes Now in web hosting with your hosting Provider you may be Seeing something about an inode limit or Inode index limit or file limit and That’s exactly what we’re going to be Talking about today is exactly what These inodes are so i’ve pulled up a Namecheap Knowledgebase help file for you and i’m Just going to read what this says And i know inode is short of an index Node an index based file systems an Inode is considered to be data structure That is represents a single file system Object the inode space is used to track The file stored in the hard disk the Inode entity entries store metadata About each file directory or object but Only points to these structures rather Than storing the data each entry is 128 Bytes in size and in simple words each Inode usually equals one file folder Email or any other Unix object in the file system so Long story short it is one File represents one file so if you have A lot of domains In your Web hosting then those inodes are going To be used up a lot faster and also if You’re posting If you are posting um Making posts on a website a wordpress

Website very very very frequently Those are going to be used up as well Because not only will Uh posts Count as an inode but also videos and Images as well So to the mo to most people these don’t Matter the eye nodes don’t matter Because most people um Usually don’t have a whole lot of Websites in their Web server so just in case you do i do I’ve got quite a few so i i pay Attention to how much how many files i’m Using i’m going to give you a few tips And tricks here in just a second So I’m going to show you how to check those Right now how to check how many inodes That you are using and how many you have Left this is named chief shared web Hosting And you can find that in your cpanel Account you can go over to the right Hand side of the screen and under Statistics right here under file usage So as you can see i’m using 132 444 i nodes out of my 300 000 and you Can see how many Um i nodes that you get with each plan With the name cheap so the stellar Seller plus get 300 000 and the stellar Business gets 600 000 also the reseller Plans if you’re into that um get either

Anywhere between uh three hundred Thousand And uh one million five hundred thousand So um Also i’m going to show you How you can tell where where the on Where most of the inodes are coming from So if you go to your cpanel account and Go up to uh the search function and just Type in inode And You’re going to get a pop-up that says Inode’s usage go ahead and click on that And click here to expand the list click On this button here And this is going to tell you where all Your inodes sit so if you’re seeing a Website that has More inodes than the rest of them you Know that something’s there that’s Taking A lot of space so whether it’s a lot of Posts or Maybe you have A bunch of plugins that you’ve you’ve Got in there or themes or something like That You might want to take a look at it also Emails emails is a big part of inodes Every single email consists of one inode So if you’ve got an email account in There that somebody may have got a hold Of that is sending you all kinds of spam And junk and stuff all the time

You might want to go in there and get Rid of those emails because every single Email is an inode i had this happen to Me i actually looked at this inode’s Usage and it showed emails I had like 19 000 emails under one email Account i had no idea because i never Checked it so you might want to check It’ll tell you here i got rid of them All but um there was one in here this Mail and it tells you know through all Of them i have 919 emails in there so There’s something in there somewhere That i can get rid of not sure exactly Where but i can find that out also if You go to your emails you can you can Find that out as well and delete those From there also Um just a couple of tips to get rid of Some inodes if you’re Running high on inodes Get rid of the plug-ins that you’re not Using not only will that get rid of your Inodes but it’s going to make your site Run a lot more efficiently Because you’re getting rid of what i Would call a bloatware the stuff that’s Not being used it’s taking up space it’s Taking up memory so get rid of the Plug-ins that you’re not using and you Have no intentions to use not just the Deactivated ones deactivating a plug-in Does not get rid of it Deleting the plug-in does so make sure

You delete the plugins that you’re not Using and that you have no intention of Using again Also your themes go to go into your WordPress and go to dashboard customize Themes And you will see All the things that you have installed Just click on one and click the delete Button if there’s a theme in there that You don’t want i recommend that you keep Two themes in there the theme the active Scene that you’re using and the child Thing if you have one Or And the um the act that’s the active Theme and the child theme if you have One and the default theme for the year So this year is 2022. um there will be a Theme in there called 2022. keep that in There as a default theme just in case Something happens to your main theme It’ll fall back on that default theme And your wordpress site will not break So uh any other themes that you have Might installed and forgot about or not Using delete them that Frees up a lot of inodes so i hope you Found this video helpful if you did Please like the Video down below also subscribe to the Channel by clicking that red button here Inside the video Also i’m going to

Uh i’ll go ahead and Link back to this knowledge base from Namecheap Here that i’m showing you here down in The bottom of the video in the Description box so thank you for Watching and i’ll see you in the next Tutorial

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