Watch This BEFORE Buying Web Hosting!

Looking to buy web hosting? Here’s my ultimate buyer’s guide to make sure you get the best web hosting for your needs.



WP Engine:

Note: WP Engine has since released a $15/mo plan that is identical to Flywheel’s ”Tiny” plan. Since Flywheel is owned by WP Engine, and WP Engine is a slightly better experience, I’d now recommend using WP Engine in all cases (unless Cloudways makes sense for you).

Best overall:
Best budget:
Best month-to-month:

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0:00 – Why Does Web Hosting Choice Matter?
0:58 – Low Cost Hosting
3:49 – Balanced Hosting
5:45 – Premium Hosting
9:57 – Which Hosting Is Right For You?

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We’ve all been there you’re trying to Decide where to buy web hosting but You’re not sure which features to look For which plan to pick and if you’re Getting a fair price in this video i’m Covering my top recommendations for web Hosting for all budgets and use cases I’ve tested a lot of web posts over the Years and i’ve seen it all cheap web Hosts expensive web hosts hosts with Terrible customer service hosts with World-class customer service but each Host comes with a different price and a Different set of quirks hold up does the Web post i pick even matter why could i Just go out and purchase the first plan I find well it affects your website’s Entire experience everything from the Setup process speed reliability ongoing Management customer service and even Price increases some web hosts Godaddy like to just jack up the price After the first year with all this in Mind i want to walk you through my top Five hosting recommendations for all Budgets and use cases first we’re going To take a look at low-cost web hosting So this is for anyone looking to pay the Absolute bare minimum for hosting that Functions well enough but it’s Definitely not ideal for a lot of use Cases this is for someone who’s got a Small personal blog or you’re tinkering With wordpress or you say you know what

I just need a website to be online but i Don’t really care about reliability or Uptime or speed this is not for someone Who relies on their website being up to Make revenue this is also not for anyone Who’s got an e-commerce store or a Membership plug-in or a forum plug-in on Their wordpress website anything that’s Dynamic that takes more server resources The hosting in this category is not Going to be a fit for what you’re doing Also if you’re looking to start Tinkering with wordpress you may not Even need to pay for web hosting there’s A program called local wp i did an Entire video on it over here and it Allows you to run wordpress on your Computer with no web hosting account Required if you’ve determined you do Need low-cost web hosting i would Recommend namecheap they have a shared Hosting plan that’s dollars and 88 cents A month and i feel this is the cheapest Month to month hosting you can Reasonably get that’s not gonna give you Problems and headaches it runs on cpanel And they have a one-click installer for WordPress and other programs for those Of you who are unaware of cpanel it’s a Common management panel used by shared Web hosting companies it’s not my Favorite i think it can feel a little Bit intimidating it’s definitely Cluttered and a little bit confusing at

Times but it gets the job done and it is Standard so seeing a cpanel hosting Option that’s this affordable definitely Is a good sign the speed is going to be On the slow side this is not something You want to use to host an ecommerce Store or a membership site or anything Like that but it should be fast enough To host your personal blog or little Project it’s definitely going to be able To keep your site online so friends and Family can view it namecheap support is Alright they have a 24 7 live chat Support and overall they’re pretty Helpful but they do take a while to Respond and i’ve had times where i just Have to keep repeating the issue or Wording it differently because the Support rep may not understand the Problem overall the biggest con with Namecheap’s shared web hosting is that This plan does not include automatic Backups i am a huge advocate for daily Automatic backups so that if you Accidentally mess up your website or Something goes wrong or it gets hacked You can just go and restore the backup From the day before with namecheap Shared web hosting you’re not going to Get that benefit on this starter plan They do have more expensive plans that Include automatic backups but if you’re Gonna spend any more money i would move Away from name sheep and focus on the

Host in the next category next up is the Tier i’m calling the balance category This is where the majority of users are Going to fall this is the person who Says christian i need more reliable web Hosting than low cost i need something i Can count on i want the speed to be a Little bit better i want good customer Service but i don’t need to spend 30 Dollars a month on web hosting so who is Balance hosting for well this is for Anyone with a personal site or a local Business or a landing page maybe you’re A bakery or a coffee shop or a Landscaping company or maybe you’re a Startup with some landing pages this Category is definitely for you but as a Disclaimer if you are an ecommerce store Or you have a membership site or an Online course anything within wordpress That the user is interacting with a lot I definitely would recommend the next Tier of hosting but if your needs are Not as complex then this host is for you Dreamhost is the best low-cost Month-to-month shared web hosting i like Their plan that they have for 7.99 a Month i think it offers a great value And it’s not cpanel hosting which can be A good thing i personally am not the Biggest fan of cpanel i think it’s Confusing and hard to use and dreamhost Is breaking out of the box and offering Their own proprietary management panel

And i think it’s a whole lot easier to Use dreamhost has great customer support And most importantly they include Automatic backups they also have great Speed great reliability and all around Are a great experience the thing i Really respect about dreamhost is they Offer a 97-day money-back guarantee and Yes that even applies to monthly billing So if you paid for three months of Hosting and you’re not feeling it you Can go in and cancel and this is what i Really like they automatically issue a Refund you don’t have to talk to a Support person and ask for a refund and Get hassled asking why you want to Cancel and you automatically get a Refund issued back to your card and the Last tier of web hosting that i’ll be Covering is premium hosting this is the Best of the best premium hosting options Can range high in price they’re usually As low as 15 a month but you can spend Hundreds of dollars a month on premium Hosting this is because they focus on Scalability if you need to be able to Scale your site up and handle more Traffic quickly this is the category for You if you’re an ecommerce store and You’re having a black friday sale and You’re expecting a surge of traffic Premium hosting has the infrastructure To just click a button scale up to a Better server handle that demand and

Then when it’s over scale back to the Server you were on before if you have a High traffic blog or business website if You’ve got an ecommerce store online Course membership site forum site these Are the hosts you’ll need to be using so What do i recommend for premium hosting Well i’ve got two options and the first One really excels in scalability and Ease of use and for that i would Recommend wp engine wp engine offers Managed wordpress hosting that’s fast And reliable their plans start at 30 a Month for a single website but their Sister company flywheel offers a 15 a Month plan that’s very similar in Features and quality wp engine just Works whenever you’re dealing with Managed wordpress hosting it’s the Host’s responsibility to keep your site Running smoothly wp engine does this by Limiting page views per plan so the more Page views your website has the higher Of a plan you must purchase this may Seem like a bit of a racket or like You’re getting overcharged but it’s how Managed web hosting works in order to Ensure that quality and reliability and Speed you’re gonna pay for it but with Wp engine you have powerful features Like daily automatic backups a staging Environment a bunch of other advanced Features and you’re also going to get World-class customer support i think wp

Engine has the best customer service of Any web host i’ve ever tested they’ve Got a live chat and any issue or Question you have you can just jump on There and they’re super responsive wp Engine is great for single websites or Multiple websites if you have a big Budget but what if you need something More advanced maybe an entire instance To yourself where you can host multiple Websites that’s where cloudways comes in Cloudways is technically a hosting Platform and that’s because they’re not Actually hosting anything for you on Their servers instead they’re providing A management stack that goes on top of a Server from a cloud platform like Vulture Digital ocean or amazon web services for Example i personally have a two gigabyte Vulture instance that i pay for through Cloudways and they provide a fully Managed experience i can easily install WordPress i get automatic backups of Each website on my instance i can have a Staging environment for every website And i have customer support in case Anything goes wrong it’s a very similar Experience to something like wp engine But it’s my own instance and i can put As many websites as i want on my server However that comes at a cost this is a More advanced solution and you have to Know what you’re getting into sure you

Can get a 2 gigabyte instance for about 22 a month but if you’re gonna put a Hundred websites on it that are high Traffic your instance is going to Crumble and it’s gonna crash and your Websites are gonna go down with a Solution like wp engine you’re Guaranteed to have good performance up To that page view limitation with Cloudways they’re going to give you a Lot more flexibility and it’s more Affordable if you have multiple websites But you also have to know your stuff and You have to know how to size your Instance appropriately i also want to Point out that cloudway’s customer Support is definitely not up to the Level of wp engine this is again Consistent with the fact that cloudways Is for more advanced users who know what They’re doing And wp engine is for people who say i Just want my website to be up fast Reliable and i’m willing to pay for it So which hosting is right for you well If you’re looking for the absolute bare Minimum just to get you by a great Low-cost option is namecheap they have Affordable month-to-month pricing and It’s certainly not going to be World-class service but it’s just enough To get you started with a personal blog Or small website now if you’re looking For something a bit more balanced

Something that’s middle of the road i Would definitely recommend checking out Dreamhost they have a plan for 7.99 a Month that’s a great fit for most users I say most users because it’s still not Going to be powerful enough for an Ecommerce store or something of that Nature but if you have an ecommerce Store or a really high traffic website That’s when you want to pick from a Premium host wp engine is a great pick If you want scalability and world-class Customer support and cloudways is Wonderful for advanced users who want Their own instance to host a bunch of Websites now you might be wondering Christian which web host do you use i Personally use cloudways i have a two Gigabyte vulture instance that has a Bunch of my websites hosted on it and i Find that cloudways is a great fit for Me because it allows me the flexibility I need to spin up a new website for Testing or create staging environments On multiple different websites and it’s Something that fits with my budget and Another thing to keep in mind when You’re looking for a web host is also Where you should register your domain Name i’ve got a whole video over here You can check out

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