How to Move WordPress from Local Server to Live Site | Easy Tutorial for Beginners

Moving a WordPress website from a local server to a live site can be a daunting task for beginners. However, with the right guidance and step-by-step instructions, it can become a seamless process. In this tutorial, he will be walking you through the easy steps to successfully move your WordPress site from a local server to a live site. Whether you are a developer or a novice user, her comprehensive guide will ensure that you can transfer your site effortlessly and without any hassles. So, let’s get started and make the transition from your local server to a live site like a pro!

How to Move WordPress from Local Server to Live Site | Easy Tutorial for Beginners


Are you a beginner looking to move your WordPress site from a local server to a live site? Don’t worry; Hostinger Academy has got you covered! In their easy-to-follow video tutorial, they provide a comprehensive solution for transferring your WordPress website seamlessly. This tutorial ensures that you have complete control over your site’s design customization and feature testing without affecting the live version. Let’s dive into this step-by-step guide and learn how to make this transition smoothly.

Moving WordPress using hPanel and a Plugin

  1. The video tutorial starts by introducing the concept of hosting a WordPress site locally. It explains the benefits of having a local server, which allows you to tailor your website’s design according to your preferences and test various features before implementing them on the live version.

  2. The tutorial then demonstrates how to move WordPress from a local server to a live site using Hostinger’s hPanel and a plugin. The hPanel is a user-friendly control panel that simplifies the entire process, making it accessible even for beginners.

  3. For those who prefer a manual migration method, the video provides handy links to resources that guide you through the process of migrating a WordPress site manually, uploading a website to the internet, and using WordPress migration plugins.

  4. Throughout the tutorial, there are timestamps provided for each section, making it convenient to navigate through specific steps or revisit any particular part of the process.

Course Registration and eBooks

  1. Hostinger Academy offers additional resources to supplement your learning experience. They provide course registrations and eBooks that cover a wide range of topics related to web development, WordPress, and hosting.

Hostinger’s hPanel Demo and Affiliate Program

  1. The video tutorial highlights Hostinger’s hPanel demo, allowing you to explore the functionalities and features of this powerful control panel.

  2. Hostinger also runs an affiliate program, giving you the opportunity to earn a commission by referring their services to others.

Social Media Platforms and Subscription Options

  1. To keep you updated with the latest tutorials and informative content, Hostinger Academy maintains an active presence on various social media platforms. By following them on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, you can stay connected and learn from their valuable insights.

  2. Hostinger Academy offers subscription options, ensuring that you receive notifications whenever they publish new tutorials or have special promotions.


Moving your WordPress site from a local server to a live site may seem intimidating at first, but with Hostinger Academy’s video tutorial, it becomes a hassle-free process even for beginners. The step-by-step guide using hPanel and a plugin ensures that your website’s transition is seamless and efficient. By utilizing the resources provided, such as course registrations and eBooks, you can further enhance your knowledge and expertise in web development and WordPress hosting.


  1. Is it necessary to host a WordPress site locally before moving it to a live site?

    • Hosting a WordPress site locally provides the flexibility to customize design and test features without affecting the live version. However, it is not mandatory.
  2. Can I move my WordPress site manually instead of using a plugin?

    • Yes, Hostinger Academy provides helpful links to resources that guide you through the process of manual migration.
  3. Can I access a demo of Hostinger’s hPanel?

    • Absolutely! Hostinger Academy highlights a hPanel demo in their video tutorial, allowing you to explore its functionalities.
  4. Does Hostinger Academy offer any additional resources?

    • Yes, Hostinger Academy offers course registrations and eBooks related to web development, WordPress, and hosting.
  5. How can I stay updated with Hostinger Academy’s tutorials and promotions?

    • By following Hostinger Academy on various social media platforms and subscribing to their notifications, you can stay connected with their latest content and promotions.

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