What Is UX Design

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If you are wondering what is UX design, watch this video to find out all about it. We’ll discuss the UX design process, good and bad examples, and what a UX designer’s day looks like.

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πŸ•’ Timestamps

00:00 – Intro
00:14 – What Is UX Design?
00:56 – Main Aspects of UX Design
02:17 – Good and Bad UX Design Examples
03:54 – The UX Design Process
05:42 – A UX Designer’s Day
09:12 – Outro

πŸ‘‰ What Is UX Design?
User experience (UX) design is the process of creating a seamless experience throughout the entire user journey. The term user experience itself was first used in 1993 by Don Norman.

πŸ‘‰ Main Aspects of UX Design

A good UX design should be:
🟣 Usable
🟣 Useful
🟣 Desirable
🟣 Accessible

πŸ‘‰ Good and Bad UX Design Examples

We’ll show you practical examples of the four main aspects of UX design – both good and bad.

πŸ‘‰ The UX Design Process

According to the Institute of Design at Stanford, the design thinking process has five stages:
🟣 Empathize – the process of understanding the target audience via research.
🟣 Define – using the data collected to define goals.
🟣 Ideate – UX designers brainstorm and generate design ideas.
🟣 Prototype – the design ideas are turned into prototypes.
🟣 Test – conducting user testing with the prototype.

πŸ‘‰ A UX Designer’s Day

In addition to learning what is UX design, discover the daily tasks and challenges of a UX designer – we’ve compiled important points shared by one of Hostinger’s UX designers.

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#whatisuxdesign #uxdesign #HostingerAcademy

Hi I'm Wireless and in this video we'll Learn what is ux design its main aspects And take a sneak peek at a day of a ux Designer let's get started User experience design is the process of Creating a seamless experience Throughout the entire user Journey the Term user experience itself was first Used in 1993 by Don Norman an expert in Cognitive science he came up with the Term while working for Apple at first His main purpose was to boost the Industrial design of Apple's products by Enabling users to set up and use Computers easily but ux design also Applies to physical interactions and Non-digital objects meaning it exists in Every aspect of Our Lives from the Lighting used in a restaurant to the Checkout process in an e-commerce shop But today we'll talk about ux design for Digital products such as websites apps Software The goal of ux design is to create a Product of service that meets the user's Needs solves their problems and creates An overall enjoyable experience you Might be thinking those are only Intangible goals but for every dollar Invested in ux design companies get a Return of investment between two and one Hundred dollars so how to create a good Ux design there are four aspects to Consider first usable remember that the

Main goal of ux design is to create the Best user experience so a good ux design Helps users solve their problems and Achieve their goals without issues Second it needs to be useful the product Or service should fulfill a gap in the Market and have a clear purpose if it Doesn't bring any value to the table the Product won't be successful and your ux Efforts won't help third the product Should be desirable yes in ux design Appearance matters the product must be Visually appealing and match the Company's branding visual components can Also keep users engaged and help create A positive experience Fourth accessible a great ux design Should provide an enjoyable experience For a wide range of users even if Someone has visual or motor impairment They should get equal access to the Product service Now that we've discussed the main Concepts behind a great ux design let's Check out some practical samples have You ever heard about a Norman door yes It is named after Don Norman and refers To doors with bad user experience we Know that doors have two end States open And closed so we should know immediately From the context what to do but if you Have to guess whether you should push or Pull or you can't even locate the knob The door was poorly designed instead of

Improving the user experience it Confuses users now let's check an Example of a good ux design on the Internet when accessing Sephora's Website instead of being instantly Overwhelmed with tons of products Customers are greeted with three main Categories but if the product you're Looking for doesn't belong to any of the Categories you have the option to Explore the top menu or use the search Bar both are instantly recognizable and Easy to find once you locate the product You want want you'll find detailed Information about its price along with Product pictures and versions available Scrolling further down you'll find What's on the product and its usage Instructions there is also a form for Users to share their experiences with The product the goal here is to provide An experience as similar as possible as Shopping at a physical store when you Would have staff to help you the Checkout process is also straightforward The shipping options are clearly listed And the call to action adds a basket Uses a contrasting color making it easy To know what to do next To create a good ux design like the one We just saw designers should Implement a Design thinking process according to the Institute of Design at Stanford the Design thinking process has five stages

Empathize Define ideate prototype and Test the empathize step is about Understanding the target audience during This stage ux designers conduct user Research to gain insights from the Customer's perspective the data can be Collected through interviews surveys and Other methods after collecting data a ux Designer analyzes it and defines the Goals users want to achieve or the core Problems they need to solve then Designers create user personas to Represent the target audience during the Ux design process personas also help Designers understand the user flow from Start to finish and create a sitemap Based on it the third stage is ideation Ux designers brainstorm and generate Design ideas based on different touch Points of the customer Journey for Instance ux designers will answer Questions like how to design a website Optimized for different screen sizes or How to improve the interaction design of A website the next step is creating a Prototype of the final product simple Paper sketches or even website test Pages are examples of prototypes ux Designers use a method called Wireframing to arrange the information Architecture of the Prototype after that They can use the prototype to conduct User testing and collect user feedback After finalizing All Phases ux designers

Must present the findings to the clients The company stakeholders or the design Team once approved they'll collaborate With UI designers interaction designers And web developers to execute these Ideas Now that you've learned about ux design Are you interested in becoming a user Experience designer questions like what Kind of task will I do who will I work With what kinds of challenges will I Face probably come to your mind to give You great answers I've talked to what ux Designer here at hostinger and I will Share what an average day of a ux Designer looks like to begin with you'll Help implement the design thinking Process we just discussed but your exact Task will depend on the company where You're working generally there are two Specialties ux researcher who focuses on Conducting research and ux designer who Translates the research results Streamlining the process from wireframe Creation testing and prototyping to Launch large corporations might have Different people working on specific Roles like a ux designer focused on user Experience and the testing stage another Designer focused on the prototyping Stage and an interaction designer for Prototyping and testing meanwhile Smaller organizations might hire one Design for all ux design related tasks

Still a ux designer's daily task will be Basically finding any problems in the Customer journey and creating solutions For them but keep in mind that a ux Designer isn't only responsible for Creating new products they also need to Evaluate existing products according to The company's goals and metrics for Instance if a product starts to perform Poorly the product team will initiate an Evaluation process based on feedback From existing customers this will help Designers find the core problem and Decide how to improve the products ux And eventually reach the company's goals As you can see launching a design Requires a decent amount of Collaboration with other teams and a lot Of interviews meetings presentations and Discussions to reach a final design Therefore you'll need to think Analytically and systematically be Empathetic and be a great team player to Become a good ux designer in terms of Hard skills a user experience designer Should know visual design which is a General understanding of graphic design Interaction design and information Architecture user research conducting or Analyzing different research methods Such as user interviews focus groups and Surveys to gain insights into the target Audience data analysis the ability to Process raw data and extract critical

Informations to help with decision Making and prototyping the process of Creating a sample for testing purposes And receiving user feedback on how to Improve the product or service and the Good news is you don't really need a Degree to become a ux designer anyone Can become one by studying the basics And having the qualities mentioned which Is also your main challenge learning Constantly and consistently since the ux Design industry is very Dynamic there Are a lot of updates every day as our ux Designers said here at hostinger a day In my life as a ux designer is a Learning day in addition to ux design Courses and boot camps Network it's a Great idea to look for a mentor to get Insights and discuss any problems you Face pursuing this career and finally Keep in mind that when you apply for a Ux design role you'll need to present a Relative experience and designing skills Through a portfolio and if you need any Help with that make sure to check out Our video on how to create a portfolio Website with WordPress to recap ux Design is the process of creating a Seamless experience throughout the Entire user journey to create a good ux Design there's a long process that Involves cross-team interactions and Brainstorming on top of all the user's Needs should be the number one priority

Now that you know all about it are you Interested in becoming a ux designer Don't forget to connect with experts Find a mentor and create an amazing Portfolio if you find this video helpful Don't forget to hit the like button and Share it with your friends for more Videos like this subscribe to the Hostinger academy YouTube channel I'll See you in the next video

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