Web Design vs Web Development I What Are the Differences

Learn the difference between web design vs web development, and see which one suits you best, in this video guide. Create a website for your business with Hostinger web hosting πŸ‘‰http://bit.ly/3DTITcU
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While closely related, web design and development have different focuses in the website creation process. In this video, we discuss everything about web design vs web development – including the scope of their work, tools and skillsets, similarities and differences, and how to choose the right one for your career.
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πŸ•’ Timestamps
00:00 – Introduction
00:54 – What a Web Designer Does
00:59 – Visual Design
01:44 – Information Architecture
02:46 – Interaction Design
04:21 – What a Developer Does
04:32 – Front-end Development
05:14 – Back-end Development
05:58 – Full-Stack Development
06:38 – What Tools Do They Use
06:47 – Designers
07:16 – Developers
08:16 – Similarities and Differences
09:38 – Which One to Choose
10:12 – Outro
🟣 Web Design vs Web Development
Web design focuses on the site’s visuals and usability. This includes the site’s colors, navigation, information hierarchy, and layout.
In contrast, web development concentrates on how the website functions from a foundational level. It is the behind-the-scenes process of coding the website design to life.
🟣 What a Web Designer Does
πŸ‘‰ Visual Design
A web designer creates visually appealing website layouts that optimize the user experience. They choose which color palettes, fonts, and images to use – while keeping in mind consistency and branding.
πŸ‘‰ Information Architecture
Web designers organize and structure content so that users can easily and quickly access the information they’re looking for.
πŸ‘‰ Interaction Design
A web designer considers how visitors interact with the website interface.
🟣 What a Web Developer Does
πŸ‘‰ Front-end Development
Front-end developers cover the part of the website that users directly interact with, such as buttons, layout, navigation, and animation.
πŸ‘‰ Back-end Development
Back-end developers handle the part visitors can’t see on the website – like database maintenance, site architecture, and server development.
πŸ‘‰ Full-stack Development
Full-stack developers cover both front-end and back-end development.

🟣 What Tools Do They Use
πŸ‘‰ Designers
Web designers use visual design software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, or Sketch.
πŸ‘‰ Developers
Web developers use text editors, command line interfaces, and version control software like GitHub, Chrome Developer Tools, and jQuery.
🟣 Similarities and Differences
Web designers and developers have the same goal of building a website – but with different responsibilities. They use different tools and have distinct understandings of programming languages.
🟣 Which One to Choose – Web Design vs Web Development
Web design is suitable for creative individuals who enjoy solving problems using visual cues. On the other hand, web development is great for those who are more analytical and enjoys coding.
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Hi my name is castitis and in this video We are going to learn about web design Versus web development let's get started [Music] Web design and web development you might Have heard these terms used to describe The process of creating a website but What's the difference simply put web Design focuses on site's visual elements And usability this includes the site's Colors navigation and information flow Web development on the other hand is the Behind the scenes process of bringing a Website to life using programming Languages both web designers and Developers work together to create a Visually attractive and functional Website however they have different Responsibilities and use different tools Let's cover these distinctions in more Detail Let's start with web designers a web Designer is responsible for creating the Website's layout they choose an Organized design elements in a way That's not only visually pleasing but Also optimizes the user experience this Includes determining which color Palettes fonts and images to use they Decide whether to apply curved or Geometric lines and how much white space Is enough to create a balanced look when Creating a site web designers also make Sure all visual elements are consistent

In style whether they work for one Company or offer services for multiple Clients web designers keep in mind the Brand's identity and convey its message Visually they know that even the Smallest detail will affect how users Think and feel about the brand more than Aesthetics a web designer should have a Good grasp of information architecture That is how to structure and organize Website content so visitors can access Information as quickly and easily as Possible ultimately the goal of web Design work is to make visitors stay Longer on the website if they spend too Much time clicking on link after link But still can't find the information They're looking for users are more Likely to leave and visit another site Here's where a web designer comes in They figure out how to present Information in a well-structured and Logical manner they can do that by Identifying the common characteristics Of different content types and grouping Similar information objects together to Help visualize how the information is Structured web designers create Wireframes which are the basic outlines Of the site's interface with the good Information hierarchy assides navigation Will be much smoother as a result the Web design will be effective and user Friendly another Factor web designers

Should consider is how visitors interact With the website's interface this is Known as interaction design to create The desired user experience a web Designer needs to plan an engaging user Interaction and solve user problems with Visual cues let's say you want to inform Users about a certain design features Functionality as a web designer ask Questions like will using a certain Color help is the size reasonable and What can a user do with their cursor to Interact with the feature an example of A unique interaction design is the gift Finder tool from virtual Home Collection It is an interactive product catalog to Help users find the perfect gift based On interest color or Price preferences To discover the product's details Visitors can simply click on one of the User triggered icons it will then Present the product name category and Price to test the site's usability Beforehand web designers create Prototypes which are Interactive mockups Of the website this process is crucial To detect plus and ensure everything Works before moving on to development Combining creative and analytical skills Web designers are able to produce an Attractive and user-friendly site layout Depending on the company's size and Budget the responsibilities of a web Designer can be handled through separate

Roles meaning it's possible to take on The role of a dedicated visual designer Or interaction designer if you're Interested in web design work check out Our step-by-step tutorial on how to Become a web designer Now let's talk about web developers the Main responsibility of a web developer Is to build a functional website using Different programming languages some Developers focus on the site's front-end Which is the site that users directly Interact with a front-end developer Codes the visual aspects of the website Interface such as buttons layout Navigation and animation they use web Programming languages like HTML JavaScript and CSS all the while Following the web design created by the Designers the ensure the design renders Accordingly on various browsers and Devices and that the website works Properly for any user interaction Whether it's playing videos filling out The form or clicking on a button since They need to consider how visitors can Achieve the desired actions on the Website front-end developers are usually Well versed in user experience on the Other hand a backend developer handles Server-side development which is the Part visitors can see on the website a Back-end developer rides the Foundational code that allows the

Website to process user requests made on The front end some of their tasks Include developing the website Architecture writing apis creating Libraries maintaining databases and Troubleshooting so back-end development Requires extensive knowledge of Server-side programming languages and Frameworks like Java python C plus plus Ruby and node.js with Advanced Programming skills back-end developers Make sure all website elements work Properly from behind the scenes finally Full stack development covers end-to-end Web creation well versed in various Programming languages and Frameworks a Full stack developer can develop client And server software meaning they can Create a website from scratch designed To be responsive and fix any issues most Full stack developers start with either The front-end or back-end development And expand their skills from there due To their broad knowledge and expertise a Full stack developer is considered the Great asset to a company so this Profession is incredibly sought after if You want to learn how to get started in Web development we have a complete video Tutorial here on how to become a web Developer To carry out their daily tasks in Designing and developing websites both Web designers and developers use

Different tools and Frameworks to create The site's layout web designers use Visual design software like Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator figma or Sketch they might also use photo editing Tools like Adobe Lightroom to polish Website Graphics web designers should Also know their way around content Management Systems like Drupal Joomla And WordPress other than that sites like Dribble behance and awards are great for Gathering web design inspiration in Contrast developers need to master the More technical aspects of website Creation to build a site interface they Use code text editors a command line Interface and Version Control software a Few examples of the tools that Developers are using are GitHub Chrome Developer tools and jQuery front-end Developers must be well versed in web Programming language images including HTML JavaScript and CSS plus learning Frameworks like react.js and node.js are Important to build a site's front end For back-end development programming Languages include python PHP Ruby Java And C plus meanwhile the Frameworks used May include laravel Django Ruby on Rails Or spring on top of that back-end Developers should know how to work with Databases like mongodb and MySQL they Should also be familiar with servers Like Apache and nginx

Now that we know the scope of web design And development work let's recap the Differences and similarities between the Two while both web design and web Development share the same purpose of Creating an attractive and functional Website they have different focuses web Design concentrates on how the website Looks and Fields to visitors meanwhile Web development focuses on building and Maintaining a fully functional website Both web designers and developers need To master programming languages but at Different levels and for different Purposes web designers don't necessarily Need to know how to code however having A basic understanding of programming Languages and how to translate designs Into reality is ideal that way they can Realistically consider the limitations Of the website design on the other hand Web developers must Master Advanced Programming skills more than that they Should know how to maintain databases Develop server architecture and write Apis last lastly web designers and Developers work with different tools and Also have different levels of income on Average web developers tend to earn more Than web designers but keep in mind that The salary of a web designer and a web Developer will depend on a lot of Factors such as location experience Clients and skill sets

[Music] So which one should you choose for your Career path if you are someone that's Creative likes graphic design or enjoy Solving problems using visual elements Then web design could be for you Alternatively if you are a person that's More analytical likes data or enjoys Figuring out how machines work then Website development can be a great Choice as a web developer you will spend More time behind the scenes with web Servers and code editors since these Roles are closely related you always Have the option to try both and see Which one is right for you Although both relate to website creation Web design and web development are Different a website designer creates the Website's look whereas a web developer Holds the design into a functioning Website which one do you think you'd Enjoy more let us know in the comments Below if you found this video helpful Let me know by leaving a like and hit The Subscribe button to see more web Design and development content thanks For watching and good luck on your Online Journey Foreign

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