VDI vs. VPN: Is VPN Dead? The Truth About Your Data Security You Need to Know

Are you tired of the limitations of #VPN when it comes to securing your work? Well, we’ve got some good news for you!

Watch the video to know how #VDI is the clear winner in the security battle between VDI vs. VPN.

VPNs have been around for a while now, but their usefulness is in decline. They were originally designed to secure the attack surface when the user is within a defined perimeter. Still, with more and more people working remotely from different locations, VPNs have been unable to keep up.

In contrast, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) allows users to remotely access corporate resources with the help of a #VirtualMachine hosted on a server in a data center. It’s not limited to a particular device or location.

VDI has built-in security that ensures that all applications and data are housed on the servers and that sensitive data is better safeguarded. VDI security architecture is designed to reduce the vulnerabilities expected in virtual environments.

Its unified virtualization platform accelerates and facilitates the provisioning of virtual desktops while ensuring data center infrastructure and workload security.

Our Hosted #VirtualDesktopSolution offers 24/7/365 remote access and high-end network monitoring to protect your network, even when your workforce is working from miles away.

At ACE, we understand the importance of security, so we offer a full suite of multi-level security attributes, including adaptive authentication, multi-factor authentication, and network security. Our ACE Hosted VDI allows seamless access to your work resources from anywhere, anytime, without management hassles.

Partnered with Citrix, we ensure that your virtual desktop experience is worthwhile under any network conditions.

Trust us to take care of your virtualization needs so that you can focus on growing your business.

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Are you tired of feeling like a security Guard constantly on the lookout for Cyber threats while working remotely Well put down that Spyglass and listen Up because we're about to compare vdi And VPN and help you secure your virtual Workplace like a boss vpns are in demise Now why the reason is it's incapability To secure the environment when the user Works remotely the loophole and VPN Security is that it is only based on Credentials where the network might Easily be exploited also VPN Falls flat When it comes to noticing the user Activity in the network which can lead To Insider threats Ace virtual desktop Infrastructure provides a solution to These problems the long lasting future Of vdi doesn't restrict you to what Device you work on it can be a Windows Desktop laptop Chromebook Linux or MacBook vdi comes with built-in security Where all applications and data are Housed on the servers the model works on The end-to-end encryption of core disk Files and data endpoint security Multi-factor authentication data center Security network protection automated Backups and access permissions which Better safeguards sensitive data Connecting a vdi desktop is easier than Ever though it intervention is required After the infrastructure has been set up And your device is authenticated you

Have to log in and you have access to The full setup corporate desktop within Minutes vdi security architecture Delivers a unified virtualization Platform that accelerates and Facilitates the configuration of virtual Desktops while ensuring infrastructure And workload security vdi is monitored For anomalies to ensure prompt and Proactive remedial action to protect Virtual desktop data and resources vdi Vulnerability scanning blocks Network Traffic and isolates the virtual machine Whenever any questionable activity Occurs so vpns secure the attack surface But they need to catch up in today's Fast-paced and ever-changing work Environment not only security but vdi Also brings the future of remote work Offering users flexibility and ease of Use while providing the much needed Scalability that is essential in today's Data-driven world get the most out of Your secure and efficient remote working Solution [Music]

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