What Is Influencer Marketing | Explained

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Influencer marketing is a modern marketing strategy where brands collaborate with influential people to boost their visibility and market products or services. Check out this video to find out what is influencer marketing and how to get started with it!

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🕒 Timestamps
00:00 – Intro

00:42 – What Is Influencer Marketing and How Does It Work?

Steps for a Successful Influencer Marketing Strategy
01:36 – Set a Clear Objective
02:05 – Identify Your Target Audience
02:30 – Allocate Your Budget
02:49 – Choose the Type of Influencer Campaign and Platform
03:47 – Look For Relevant Influencers
04:50 – Reach Out to Influencers and Negotiate Deals
06:04 – Execute and Track Your Campaign

Benefits of Influencer Marketing
06:26 – Increase Brand Exposure and Reach
06:46 – Applies to Businesses of All Kinds and Sizes
07:06 – Create a Sense of Trust Around Your Brand
07:33 – Generate a Solid Return on Investment (ROI)

Successful Influencer Marketing Example
08:04 – Daniel Wellington Case Study
09:37 – Outro


What is influencer marketing? It is a strategy where businesses tap into the influencing power of individuals to promote their marketing campaigns.
Influencers have the power to reach a wide audience and can help generate buzz and interest around your brand. Since people trust influencers’ opinions, their endorsement can help to build credibility for your brand.
Here is how influencer marketing works in seven simple steps:

1️⃣ Define Campaign Goals
Be clear and specific on the objectives of your campaign. This may involve setting target metrics like engagement rates, website traffic, or sales.

2️⃣ Identify the Ideal Target Audience
Create a detailed audience profile that includes their goals, challenges, and preferences.

3️⃣ Set a Realistic Budget
Calculate your influencer marketing budget based on the potential return on investment (ROI).

4️⃣ Decide the Campaign Type and Platform
Based on your goals, audience, and budget, choose the type of influencer campaign you will launch and the best channel to execute it.

5️⃣ Find Relevant Influencers
Seek out influencers who are well-known to your target audience. Use social media or influencer marketing software to identify and connect with relevant influencers.

6️⃣ Establish a Partnership with Influencers
Start to reach out to influencers and discuss the details of the partnership. The process may involve negotiating a fee, choosing what type of content to produce, and drafting a legal contract.

7️⃣ Launch the Campaign and Track Results
Keep track of metrics like engagement rates, website traffic, and sales to determine the effectiveness of your campaign.

Watch this video to find out what is influencer marketing in more detail, and stay tuned until the end for an excellent case study on influencer marketing.

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Thank you for watching! Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions. Good luck on your online journey. 🚀

#whatisinfluencermarketing #influencermarketing #HostingerAcademy

What is influencer marketing and how can It help you grow your business hi my Name is and in this video I'm going to Answer all of your questions about Influencer marketing so let's get Started [Music] You've probably heard about influencer Marketing nowadays it's happening all Around us for example when you scroll Through your social media you'll find Many people doing product reviews Unboxing videos and mentioning or Tagging a Brand's products on their Posts they do this in the hopes that Followers will naturally become curious About the mentioned product and will Eventually visit the Brand's profile Website or product page and that's Influencer Marketing in a nutshell Influencer marketing is all about Partnering with influencers to promote Your brand and its products or Services Usually in the form of collaborative Content creation or endorsements it Takes the traditional celebrity Endorsement approach but adapts it to Modern day marketing models and Audiences the main goal is to develop a Content-driven campaign that speaks to The target audience by leveraging Influencers content creation skills and Their loyal follower base unlike Celebrity endorsements this marketing

Approach doesn't limit influencers only To popular celebrities instead everyone Including you can tap into influencer Marketing that being said the most Popular influencers are often Authoritative figures within a niche Industry who have amassed a large Following of dedicated and engaged fans Now let's go over the process of Developing a successful influencer Marketing campaign First off you need to know what your Business needs and what you want to Achieve with influence for marketing is It to drive brand awareness such as to Get more views traffic or earn Media or Perhaps to drive sales or conversions Each goal requires a different marketing Approach so having a clear objective Ensures that all your strategies align And increases your chances of success For that reason we recommend that you Focus on one specific objective for each Campaign to keep your messaging Consistent Next determine who you will Target with Your marketing efforts try to be as Specific as possible and don't just Focus on the demographics identifying Your ideal target audience involves Knowing their goals hobbies and Interests pain points lifestyle and Purchasing habits from here you can Identify your ideal customer Persona and

Start choosing the perfect influencer Collaborators Another factor to determine is your Budget be realistic about how much you Can afford to spend on your influencer Marketing campaign decide where to Allocate the budget based on the Potential return on investment that way You can start to plan your spending so That it is both effective and Sustainable for your business Once you determine your goals and target Audience it's time to decide what type Of campaign to launch and where to run It there are a variety of influencer Campaign types to choose from first we Have sponsorship which involves Influencers creating sponsored content That features your products or services In a natural and organic way for example You may pay them to post sponsored Content promote giveaways or attend Brand events affiliate marketing on the Other hand involves influencers Promoting products or services in Exchange for a commission on sales when An influencer includes an affiliate Link In a post or story they earn a Commission on any purchase generated From that link If you're curious about affiliate Marketing we have a full video covering It so make sure to check it out based on Your campaign type decide which

Platforms are most relevant to your Audience and goals some popular channels For influencer marketing include Instagram YouTube and tick tock Now it's time to search for influencers While keeping your goals target audience And budget in mind this is very Important as picking the wrong Influencer can lead to poor results There are many ways to narrow down your Choices you can start by doing research On Google and social media make sure to Use relevant keywords and hashtags Related to your business to track down The right influencers Another option is to use online Influencer marketing software like grin Or affluence both platforms offer Advanced features like automated search Or Discovery and campaign reporting Some Brands choose to hire influencers Through their own program an example of This is the Amazon influencers program It allows the company to set its own Rules and agreements when working with Influencers once you have a list of Potential influencers you can create a Simple spreadsheet containing columns Listing their names I'll link to their Social media and the number of followers They have consider also adding specific Data such as their engagement rate and Niche You can start reaching out to

Influencers by sending them a direct Message on their social media account or Through email introduce your brand and Provide details about your campaign or Content then ask if they would be Interested in working with you you can Take it a step further by attaching a Collaboration proposal once you receive A response begin discussing the terms of Collaboration including the sponsorship Fee be transparent about the campaign's Budget what you will be willing to offer And try to negotiate a fair deal that Works for both parties you should also Discuss what type of content you want Them to create whether it is a post on Instagram a tick tock video or something Bigger like a full production ad Campaign also specify information such As the launch date for the content the Number of posts they will need to make And any other specific branding Requirements you want them to follow of Course it's necessary to have a Well-drafted legal contract in place to Clarify what both parties have agreed on This can help protect both you and the Influencer in case something doesn't go Go as expected remember even though You're the one paying the influencers Don't try to control their creativity Rather than just trying to change their Style trust that they know their Audience best and what appeals to them

Once you have secured a partnership with Your influencer the final step is to Launch the campaign as the campaign Progresses track and measure the results To see how it's performing this will Help you identify what's working well And what can be improved Now that you know what influence for Marketing is and how it works let's dive Into some of the benefit it offers With a large following and established Credibility influencers can encourage More people to find out who you are and What you offer at the same time it's Also an excellent way to Target a niche Audience for example if your brand is Fashion related seek out influencers who Are passionate about fashion as their Followers are likely going to share the Same interests No matter what industry you're in or how Big your brand is you can use this Marketing strategy to reach your Business goals why because influencers Are generally paid based on their reach The channel they use the niche and the Type of content they produce so you can Tailor each aspect to suit your budget If you use influencers to advertise your Product or service the message doesn't Feel forced and one-sided like Traditional sponsored content instead Influencers use effective storytelling To communicate with the target audience

Making the delivery appear more Authentic and genuine in turn people Will be more likely to go through your Sales funnel in fact Studies have shown That 80 percent of customers are more Likely to purchase a product recommended By influencers Among all the benefits of influencer Marketing this is perhaps the most Significant after all why invest in a Strategy that won't have a positive Impact on your sales according to Studies 48 of marketers report a high Return of investment with influential Marketing than with other digital Marketing strategies Plus for every one Dollar invested in influencer marketing You can expect to make more than five Dollars back in sales this makes it far More advantageous than more traditional Marketing approaches Now let's look at a real case of a Successful influencer marketing campaign 2011 Daniel Wellington began its Business with only fifteen thousand Dollars however two years later the Company managed to earn over 220 million US dollars in Revenue by predominantly Using influence remarketing at first the Company recruited top influencers to Promote its products on Instagram but Then they realized the strategy proved To be quite costly and not that Effective in attracting customers so

They shifted to a bolder approach by Giving away products for free to Instagram micro influencers from all Over the world they did this in exchange For recipients to post a photo or video Tagging and mentioning the brand in Addition using the Branded hashtag Daniel Wellington the company encouraged Influencers and customers to upload Images of themselves wearing the Brand's Products Those images are used as part of the Company's Instagram content until today So far the Branded hashtag campaign has Generated over 2 million Instagram posts Today Daniel Wellington has 4.7 million Followers on Instagram with millions of Watches sold worldwide now the brand not Only organizes giveaways with micro Influencers but also does paid Collaborations with mega influencers and Top celebrities to further enhance its Credibility this is just one of the many Examples showing the power of influencer Marketing in driving sales and Visibility for new brands And that sums it up now you know what Influencer marketing is and how to Leverage it for your business it's no Secret that influencer marketing has Become one of the most effective ways For businesses to increase visibility Credibility and sales if you enjoyed This video give it a thumbs up share it

And subscribe to our Channel because More actionable marketing tips and Tricks are on their way thanks for Watching and I'll see you next time Thank you

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