The Top 3 Web Design Principles That You Should Know

Learn three core web design principles to create an attractive site. Build your website with Hostinger today 👉
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Understanding web design principles is a must for aspiring website owners. This is because around 38% of visitors will immediately leave a site if the layout is unappealing. By watching this video, you will learn how to improve your site’s color schemes, visual hierarchy, and navigation.

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🕒 Timestamps

00:00 – Introduction
00:12 – What Makes a Good Web Design?

Web Design Principles
01:05 – Color
02:23 – Visual Hierarchy
07:54 – Navigation

10:50 – Outro

📌 The Top Web Design Principles to Learn

Having an attractive website enables you to boost the user experience and encourage visitors to explore your site further.

As a result, you will have more opportunities to drive conversions and make sales.

To create a visually-appealing website, there are three web design principles you need to understand:

1️⃣ Color

Know the psychology behind color palettes and choose the right ones for your website.

2️⃣ Visual hierarchy

Several essential elements of visual hierarchy include composition, balance, whitespace, scale, patterns, groupings, and images.

3️⃣ Navigation

For the best results, create an intuitive navigation menu, a clear CTA, and an effective footer.
To understand these top web design principles in more detail, watch this comprehensive video guide – examples included!

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Thank you for watching! Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions. Good luck on your online journey. 🚀

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Hi my name is castlitis and today I'll Explain three core web design principles That you should know to create a Visually engaging website [Music] If you want to establish a strong online Presence having a well-designed website Is a must but why is it important According to research 38 of visitors Will abandon the website if they find The layout unattractive this leads to Higher bounce rates which can negatively Impact the site's performance and search Engine optimization consequently Lowering its rankings by implementing Some web design best practices you can Create an excellent first impression and Boost the user experience that way Visitors will stay longer on your site Resulting in a better SEO performance And more opportunities for conversions To create a visually appealing website There are three core web design Principles you need to understand these Are color visual hierarchy and Navigation let's go over each of them in More detail The first principle is color using the Right color combination enables you to Establish a strong brand identity Highlight Essential Elements and prompt Visitors to take a specific action to Find suitable color palettes for your Website you'll first need to know the

Psychology behind them for instance Organic food companies usually use green As it represents freshness and nature in Contrast premium or high-end Brands like Gucci often combine black white and gold To establish a luxurious image once you Understand the different types of colors And their meanings choose the primary Color that represents her website's Identity and secondary ones to Complement it These will make up your Brand's color Palette make sure to consistently use Them throughout the site as this will Help visitors get a better sense of your Brand it will also promote visual Harmony and cohesion in this instance You can see how this website uses yellow As its signature color meanwhile white Is used as a background to break up Visual elements and the art blue is Added for text and buttons by using well Contrasted color schemes the brand Optimizes readability and navigation Helping visitors focus on the products And calls to action Buyer aging Design Elements Strategically you can guide visitors to The most important sections of the web Page when designing the Website Layout Keep the following factors in mind Composition to give your site a cohesive Structure organize its elements based on The rule of thirds this method splits a

Design or layout into thirds using a Grid of 9 boxes making it easier to Align text and adjust the positioning of Objects to see how the rule applies in Practice check out this iPad landing Page by dividing the banner evenly into 9 boxes Apple manages to find the right Placements for its headline called the Action button and product images next up Is balance by applying the rule of Thirds here you can place elements Evenly across the Page's Center Line Creating a well-balanced symmetrical Design Adam danaway's portfolio website Is an excellent example of this practice Apart from a symmetrical design you can Also Implement an asymmetrical layout to Achieve balance check out how Mercedes-Benz offsets this large product Picture on its landing page with a Smaller text block on the left side even Though it is asymmetrical the final Image still produces a balanced layout The third factor is white space when Arranging your Website Layout use white Space to break up text and Design Elements this allows you to make the Site less cluttered and helps visitors Focus on the most important factors However using too much white space can Also make your site look empty so to Avoid a little background add Personality and dimension by applying Textures such as color gradients for

Three-dimensional surfaces to your web Design this website does a great job of Implementing a subtle texture to the Background while keeping the text Readable on the other hand this example Utilizes white space as a backdrop to Make its 3D elements stand out the next Essential factor is scale by using Element of different sizes you can bring Attention to crucial details this is Particularly beneficial for arranging Text-based content on your site to Follow best practices I recommend Sticking with three sizes maximum keep The size ranges between 14 to 16 pixels For the body text 18 to 22 pixels for Subheadings and up to 32 pixels for Headings in this example you can see how Flex Academy uses a large font to direct The audience's attention to the main Copy a much smaller text block is placed Below the heading to further explain What services the site offers followed By a highlighted call to action button Another crucial element of visual Hierarchy is pattern this is because People tend to follow a certain sequence When scanning content on a web page by Designing the site layout based on Common viewing patterns you can arrange The information more clearly to improve The overall user experience depending on The content type web visitors scan Information following the shape of the

Letter Z and F with the Z pattern user Skim from the top left to the top right Before moving down diagonally to the Bottom left and scanning across the page This pattern is commonly used for visual Heavy pages with less copy designed to Make the product stand out you can see How this website grabs the audience's Attention by placing the headline at the Top left of the page moving to the right Visitors will come across its featured Products before going down diagonally to Read the subheading and discover more Product images on the other hand web Visitors who follow the F pattern tend To scan websites from left to right and Repeat the process as they scroll down The page then users typically go back to The top left and skim the rest of the Content in a vertical line that's why This pattern is best suited for text Heavy websites like bugs and news Outlets for example CNN usually places Its featured articles on the upper part Of its page followed by vertical list of Secondary content forming the F pattern Next is grouping according to the Proximity principle grouping relevant Elements together makes it easier for Visitors to understand the site Structure and content the order form on Adidas checkout page is a good example Of how effective grouping makes it more Straightforward to sort information in

Addition to clearly labeled headings the Popular shoe brand combines white space With contrasting text boxes to separate Elements based on their category the Last factor in visual hierarchy is Images high quality images can make your Website more visually appealing and keep Visitors engaged when adding them to Your site keep these best practices in Mind first feature a hero image on the Home page to build a good first Impression a hero image is a large Banner placed at the top of a web page It can be a professional photograph or a Graphic illustration that that Represents your brand for instance skin Care companies often display a portrait Of their model so visitors can instantly Associate the brand with health and Beauty second consider presenting your Products or services using an image Slider or Carousel that way users can Quickly flick through multiple photos Without having to scroll down the page And lastly make sure to optimize your Images so they can render properly Across different screen sizes and Devices [Music] The last web design principle to Understand is navigation having a clear And intuitive interface enables visitors To navigate our site seamlessly to Achieve that follow these methods first

Make sure your site has an intuitive and Straightforward menu this will help Visitors export different pages and Locate content more efficiently most Websites use a horizontal menu that Appears at the top of a web page it Displays all the sections visitors Expect to find such as about product Categories resources pricing and contact A built-in search function can also Speed up the navigation process if you Want your product images to dig Center Stage I recommend using a vertical Sidebar menu as an alternative another Type of navigation bar to consider is a Drop down menu websites with many web Pages like e-commerce stores can greatly Benefit from this type of menu as it Reduces clutter while also ensuring easy Navigation H M's website is a great Example of how effective a drop down Menu can be since it has various Clothing categories h m uses a top level Horizontal navigation bar to display More General items whenever visitors Click or hover over certain sections a Drop down menu will appear containing a List of more specific subcategories the Second factor for better website Navigation is to create calls to action That stand out having a clear and Compelling CTA can lead visitors to take A specific action and spend more time on Your website whether using an image

Anchor text or button place our CTA in a Strategic position where users can Easily notice it using a contrasting Color can also make it stand out against The rest of the content to further Encourage visitors to click use simple And actionable copy such as join now Learn more or grab the deal check out How Netflix draws visitors attention by Placing the get started call to action Button in the center of the home page This video on demand company also uses a Contrasting red color to distinguish the CTA from the darker background and last But not least add a footer to your Website for better navigation this step Is crucial as visitors often scroll down To the bottom of the page to find more Information that is often not available In the main menu this may include the Company's profile address learning Resources and social media links before Creating a further determine the pages You want to include and group them into Several categories after that use Clear Titles so visitors can find the relevant Information easily brainbox ai's website Offers a great example of a simple yet Effective footer using tons of white Space and clear navigational headings The footer acts as a mini site map to Help visitors locate content faster And there you have it the three web Design principles you should know to

Create a visually engaging website so Are you ready to start designing your Own online project if you have further Questions let me know in the comment Section below if you found this video Helpful hit the like button share it and Subscribe to hostinger Academy for more Web design and development tutorials Good luck on your online Journey [Music] Foreign

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