Dedicated Servers Are Here! (Patch Notes) | Core Keeper

Core Keeper is getting a new update on April 27, 2022. In this video we go over the new scarlett shovels, scarlett hoe, reinforcement, reworked scrap mechanics, dedicated server and more!

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What is Core Keeper?Explore an endless cavern of creatures, relics and resources in a mining sandbox adventure for 1-8 players. Mine, build, fight, craft and farm to unravel the mystery of the ancient Core.

#corekeeper #CoreKeeperUpdate #CoreKeeperDedicatedServers

What’s going on gamer soro here welcome Back to the channel now today i just Wanted to talk a little bit about the Patch the update that’s actually going Live tomorrow around 2 p.m at bst now This will be an experimental branch that You’ll be able to go into your settings On steam and switch over to don’t worry You’re not going to lose your your save Files or anything like that but this is Going to be an alternate branch that’s Going to have some new things to the Game that they’ll be testing out and Then everyone in the community can test These out at the same time as well but There are a few things that are really Interesting we’re going to go back to The old repair system the dedicated Servers will be available so let’s hope That those are really like polished and Work out because having a whole Community be able to play on the same Dedicated server would be really nice so If you want to play with your friends or Whatever and the host is offline they Will still be able to play now i’m going To quickly go over the patch notes and Then tomorrow when it releases on April 27th we will dig into it a little Bit deeper and i’ll show you how each And everything works so going over the Patch notes we have dedicated servers Are now available the repair system has Been reverted back to using scrap parts

As a result of working together with and Gathering feedback from our community The cost of scrap parts have been Rebalanced so higher tier items cost More scrap parts scrap parts can be Gained through salvaging again the Current materials gained from salvaging Are still gained as well the bearded Merchant now also sells scrap parts Instead of wood so i know some of the People were upset about the uh when they Adjusted the salvaging and like the Scrap parts and stuff but the scrap Parts are back so hopefully you still Have a bunch of those because you’ll be Able to use them now this thing’s really Interesting we have a reinforcement Mechanic has been added that allows Players to extend the durability of Their items as well as give them a small Stat boost reinforcing an item costs Some of the items crafting material so That is really interesting that we can Actually reinforce i wasn’t expecting Such a like a pretty Somewhat game-changing mechanic to be Added in the game so soon with just a Minor update so that’s really cool we Added scrap parts that can drop from Destructibles and some enemies so that’s Really nice if you have a mob farm You’re going to be able to get some of These scrap parts so that is really nice Now we get into some like really

Interesting stuff here the higher tier Hose now cover a larger area this works For both tilling and gathering plants in Larger areas so it’s kind of like a Stardew valley and uh harvest moon stuff Like that you’ll actually be able to Cover a larger area now whenever you’re Like digging up the ground if you would Like depending on the tier that you have They’ve also added a digging and damage Stat to shovels that impact how many Uses it takes to dig up a ground health Of ground has been rebalanced around the Digging damage of shovels so that higher Tier higher tier shovels are more Effective against lower tier ground so For example if you’re using like a Scarlet Shovel it’s going to probably going to Be able to just one hit the dirt biome So that’s really nice that we actually Have a difference there depending on Crafting them because before it was just Like all about durability you know you Want to get the higher tier of the Scarlet just so it has more durability Other than that it didn’t really change The damage now they also are going to Add a scarlet hoe that can be crafted at The scarlet workbench and a scarlet Shovel that can be crafted in the Scarlet workbench so we got a couple new Items there they moved the scarlet sword To be crafted in the scarlet anvil

Instead of the scarlet workbench a large Watering can now covers two by two tiles So that’ll be like four tiles at once Once again like harvest moon um stardew Valley that’s really cool more watering Options coming later so they are gonna Touch on this a little more fishing rods And no longer have durability and the Change the chance to gain kelp from Fishing has been reduced and we’ve added Resources such as oars woods fiber and Scrap parts that can be gained from Fishing Now i’m really glad that they reduce the Amount of kelp you get but if you’re Over there trying to get a certain Valuable or A certain fish now there’s a chance for You to get ores woods fiber and scraps i Don’t really care for that change too Much just because you know if you’re Hunting a certain item or a ring or Something you want to be able to get Like the highest chance of getting one Of those as possible Now they did some balancing and Improvements they slightly increase the Damage of the roon song Increase the max health of bosses which This is going to be super fun i’m going To test out how much more health they Actually have because currently the game Is pretty easy once you hit the late Game stages azios of the bird boss and

Rages at a bit higher health percentage And then we have the quality of life Other players can be made server admins From the pause menu players can be Banned by admins and added a button Beside the game id and uh for admins to Regenerate the game id so then we have a Bunch of uh bug fixes but i’m not going To go over those right now but the main Thing says we have dedicated servers the Repair system is reverting back we have Our reinforcement mechanic and shovel’s Got a massive buff but uh yeah i’m gonna Deep dive into this a lot more tomorrow Whenever the patch actually goes live And we’ll check it out together but for Now that is the patch notes thank you Guys so much for watching i really Appreciate it and until next time i will See you in the next core keeper video

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