How to Build an AI-Designed Website in Just 1 Minute #shorts

If you think building a website requires an extensive skillset and hours of coding, you’re in for a surprise. With advancements in artificial intelligence, you can now create a professional-looking website in just a minute! Just imagine the time and resources you can save with this groundbreaking technology. In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of building an AI-designed website in just one minute. Let’s get started! #shorts


In today’s fast-paced world, having a website is a must for any business, individual or organization to stay competitive and relevant. However, creating a website can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Fortunately, Hostinger has introduced an AI website builder that can design a website in just 1 minute. In this article, we will discuss how to build an AI-designed website using Hostinger’s website builder. So, let’s get started!

How to Build an AI-Designed Website in Just 1 Minute

Following are the step-by-step guidelines to use Hostinger’s AI website builder to create a website in just 1 minute:

  1. Purchase Hostinger’s Website Hosting and Domain

To use Hostinger’s AI website builder, you need to purchase a hosting plan and domain for your website. You can choose from various hosting plans with different durations according to your needs and budget. You can also use the discount code SHORTS to get 10% off on your purchase.

  1. Enter Brand’s Name, Website Type, and a Detailed Description

After purchasing hosting and domain from Hostinger, go to the AI website builder and enter your brand’s name, website type, and a detailed description of what your website is about so that the AI website builder can design a layout according to your brand’s needs.

  1. Click ‘Create a Website’

Once you have entered all the required information in the AI website builder, click on the ‘Create a Website’ button to let the AI do its job.

  1. Customize the Website Further Using Website Editor

Now that the AI has created a website layout, you can further customize it using the website editor to make changes such as colors, fonts, and layout structure. This will give your website a personal touch and unique look to stand out from the crowd.

  1. AI Website Builder Provides Images, Text, Blog Posts, and Contact Form for Newsletters

Hostinger’s AI website builder not only designs a website layout but also provides relevant images, text, blog posts, and contact forms for newsletters according to your brand’s needs. This makes website building a hassle-free task.

  1. Watch More Tips on How to Use Hostinger AI Website Builder by Subscribing to Their Channel

Hostinger provides its customers with more tips and tricks to use their AI website builder by subscribing to their YouTube channel. This will help you understand the process of website building in detail and help you in creating a website that drives traffic and conversions.


Hostinger’s AI website builder is the best option for anyone who wants to create a website in just 1 minute. It’s easy to use, quick, and requires no technical skills. By following the above-given guidelines, anyone can create an AI-designed website that looks professional and is functional. So, if you want to create a website in minutes, go to Hostinger’s website and try their AI website builder today.

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. How much does it cost to use Hostinger’s AI website builder?

A: Hostinger’s AI website builder comes with hosting plans with different durations starting from as low as $0.99.

  1. Can I customize my website created by Hostinger’s AI website builder?

A: Yes, you can customize your website further using the website editor to suit your needs and preferences.

  1. Do I need any technical skills to use Hostinger’s AI website builder?

A: No, Hostinger’s AI website builder is designed for everyone, and no technical skills are required.

  1. Can I get a discount on my purchase from Hostinger?

A: Yes, you can use the discount code SHORTS to get a 10% discount on your purchase.

  1. Is Hostinger’s AI website builder SEO friendly?

A: Yes, Hostinger’s AI website builder is designed to be SEO friendly and can help your website rank higher in search engine results.

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